Our Story

Our Story 

What Matters to You (WM2U) builds on the power of young people, families and practitioners to directly influence decisions surrounding local resources and services that impact their own lives and those of people in the community. We spend time truly listening to families, building trust and developing our relationships to find out what matters.

We aim to be alongside families to identify practical solutions to improve how public resources could be better utilised in their local communities to feel supported at the right time. Our Make It Happen Fund seeks to bring ideas into reality by shifting power, budgets and control into the hands of families and communities. 

This project delivered in partnership with The Hunter Foundation and BBC Children in Need, currently situated within three Scottish local authorities, Clackmannanshire, Dundee and East Ayrshire.

Your experience of WM2U

I’m not so hard on myself now. It makes me appreciate myself and look at the things I’ve ignored. I could build on that… my dreams are not impossible. It gives me hope and confidence.

Whenever anybody asks me what my personal journey was like with it, I really cannae describe it.    …I know I had one, but it’s hard to describe….

It gave (her) a complete confidence boost.  Wee things that she would go out of her way to get me to do, she does it herself now.  She’s not really that worried about it. Whereas before she would never have entertained speaking to people on the phone to deal with something. … the kids are seeing ..a different side to their Mum as well.