Our funders

Our Funders


The Hunter Foundation

The Hunter Foundation (THF) is a proactive venture philanthropy organisation that seeks to invest in determining model solutions, in partnership with others, to troubling systemic issues relating to poverty eradication and educational enablement.

Visit their website

BBC Children in Need

BBC Children in Need

BBC Children in Need believes that every child should have the chance to thrive and be the best they can be.

They are committed to being there for children across the UK when they need us the most. Together with the BBC and their partners, they inspire the nation to support this work.

Visit their website

William Grant Foundation

The William Grant Foundation’s vision is a Scotland where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. The Foundation enables positive change for Scotland by distributing funding, collaborating with partners, and sharing its knowledge and insight.

Visit their website

Northwood Charitable Trust

The Northwood Charitable Trust was set up by a member of the Thomson family in 1972 with the purpose of making communities in Dundee and the surrounding area better and more supportive places for people to live, work and prosper. The Trust provides financial support to help enhance people’s lives through a wide range of charitable organisations. Its main funding themes are addressing deprivation, poverty and inequality, advancing educational attainment, progressing physical and mental health and wellbeing and supporting community, heritage and cultural enrichment.